Hi! Kristy Anne Cox here!
I write an eclectic mix of Fiction, Nonfiction, Poetry, and Scholarly pieces. The Fabulous Fabulist will be a micro-blog about my life and my writing.
I live in Provo, Utah, but I'm a military brat who is most recently from the Northern suburbs of Chicago. I'm married to the lovely half-Australian computer wizard Michael Eagar, and we have a ten year old son, four cats, and eight ducks.
I'm a writer, but I'm also a mom, a gamer, a geek, a perpetual student, a scholar, an animal rescuer, a duck farmer, and a social justice advocate ally-in-training, a student of intersectional feminism. I'm also an Anglo, disabled, bisexual, Mormon American woman of mixed European ancestry.
My scholarly interests include the Spanish and Russian languages, Spanish Literature and Spanish-Speaking cultures, Speculative Literature, Literature in Translation, Translation Theory, Intercultural and Transnational Literature, Archipelagic Theory, Intersectional Feminism, Fairy Tale Studies, Indigenous Studies, Comparative Religion, Pedagogy, Psychology, and Modern Poetry. I love to talk about the work of Donna Haraway, as well as speculative fiction authors such as Rosa Montero, Octavia Butler, Jane Austin, Edgar Allan Poe, and H.P. Lovecraft.
My very favorite authors are C.J. Cherryh and Ursula Le Guin, but I have so many more! If you run into me at a con, please feel free to geek out with me about the latest best book ever I just read!
My personal interests include cats, ducks, the outdoors (slow) hiking, Pokemon Go, Minecraft, Tabletop Gaming, RPGs, Scrabble, the movies of Hayao Miyazaki, Family History, armchair psychology, swimming, talking too much, The Pirates of Penzance, Star Wars, Star Trek, The Walking Dead, The Labyrinth, David Bowie, Murder Mysteries, the Writing Excuses podcast, the My Favorite Murder podcast, getting a chance to practice my Spanish, Capitalizing Things, and all things writing or speculative lit.
I go to cons primarily to find "my people." Friends I've not met yet with whom I can geek out with about writing. I also go to meet wiser and more experienced members of the LGBTQIA and Disabled communities, because I'm new in being open about these identities and I'm still figuring them out. Lastly, I go to meet people in the writing industry with whom I might enjoy working in the future.
You can find my first published fiction in the March issue of Cicada Magazine, and my first published Nonfiction (an interview with Jaymee Goh) in the July 2017 issue of Strange Horizons. I'm currently an MFA student at Brigham Young University. in 2016, I won the Walter James Miller Memorial Award for an academic piece on alien identity and sexuality in three works of Spanish Science Fiction.