Writing While Disabled is a Column Now!

I don't do much self-promotion beyond sharing links to new pieces, but I would love it if folx would consider the Writing While Disabled series for various lists or nominations or classroom discussions, because that would really help me boost my brilliant co-authors / interviewees, and my publisher for this series, Strange Horizons.

Sharing also helps me get this information out to my target audience, Disabled creatives in SFF looking for methodology and accommodations advice from more seasoned community members!

I pitched this as an interview series, but it has become a limited-run column. My editors on this series are Emma Celi and Gautam Bhatia, both of whom have been just delightful to work with.

My husband Mike, and my friends Arick and Amber Christopher, volunteered to do transcriptions for me.  Mike even programmed a software for me to help me fix transcription issues arising from different voices in one file! This series would not be possible without Disability accommodations for me, as an interviewer and fledgling columnist.

Many of my peers have given me advice in my learning process, and I really, truly appreciate you, and our greater SFF community. Thank you.

Here are the links to the first six interviews, for your perusal, sharing, and consideration.

I'm also including the link for an older interview of mine, the very first interview I ever did, with the fabulous Jaymee Goh!

Do you have a hot nonfiction idea to pitch to Strange Horizons magazine? Well, here is yet another link for your convenience!

Each department of Strange Horizons has separate submission guidelines. For information about submitting work to a particular department, follow the appropriate link!